This example demonstrates how to combine MTEX and MSAT to calculate the composite elastic constants of a rock consisting of two phases where the crystals are partially aligned. Based on the MTEX Aachen EBSD example we read the EBSD data and assume that each data point represents a equal volume of the rock. MTEX is used to convert the EBSD measurement into a list of Euler angles. The MSAT function MS_rotEuler is then used to build a list of elastic constants tensors aligned with each measured crystal orientation. Finally the tensors are averaged using MS_VRH and the seismic properties of the sample reported.

For this example script to work both MSAT and MTEX must be installed. It is worth noting that recent version of MTEX are able to calculate the composite elastic constants from an orientation distribution function (ODF) without having to sample a finite number of orientations. If the source data is from an EBSD run this implies the need to first create an ODF from the discrete orientation measurements.

The source code for this example are contained in the file texture_example.m in the examples/texture directory distributed with MSAT. This directory also contains the data file needed to run the example.

The example is implemented as follows, wrapped in a function:

function texture_example()

    fprintf('\nMSAT TEXTURE EXAMPLE SCRIPT\n\n');

First setup basic parameters - single crystal elastic constants and symmetry. Note that I don’t know what the the sample is made of - just that it’s a two phase mixture with both phases belonging to the m-3m point group. We guess a NaCl / KCl mixture.

    % Elastic constants and density
    [C1, rho1] = MS_elasticDB('NaCl');
    [C2, rho2] = MS_elasticDB('KCl');

    % crystal symmetry
    CS = {symmetry('m-3m'),...

    % specimen symmetry
    SS = symmetry('-1');

Second, load in all the EBSD data using MTEX. NaCl data ends up in ebsd(1) and KCl data ends up in ebsd(2).

    tic; fprintf('Loading EBSD data ...');

    % specify file name. Use a local copy as the MTEX version seems to move
    % about between versions.
    fname = 'aachen_ebsd_85_829grad_07_09_06.txt';

    % create an MTEX EBSD object containing the data
    ebsd = loadEBSD(fname,CS,SS,'interface','generic' ...
        , 'ColumnNames', { 'Index' 'Phase' 'x' 'y' 'Euler1' 'Euler2' ...
          'Euler3' 'MAD' 'BC' 'BS' 'Bands' 'Error' 'ReliabilityIndex'}, ...
          'Bunge', 'ignorePhase', 0);

    telap = toc; fprintf(' done (%4.2f secs)\n',telap);

Third, for each EBSD measurement, create an elastic matrix with the measured orientation. Work on NaCl, then KCl before joining the elastic matrices together.

    tic; fprintf('Extracting Euler angles ...');
    % NaCl Euler angles
    [Nphi1s, Nthetas, Nphi2s] = Euler(get(ebsd(1),'orientations'), 'Bundge');
    % KCl Euler angles
    [Kphi1s, Kthetas, Kphi2s] = Euler(get(ebsd(2),'orientations'), 'Bundge');
    telap = toc; fprintf(' done (%4.2f secs)\n',telap);

    % rads to deg...

    Nphi1s=Nphi1s*(180.0/pi); Kphi1s=Kphi1s*(180.0/pi);
    Nthetas=Nthetas*(180.0/pi); Kthetas=Kthetas*(180.0/pi);
    Nphi2s=Nphi2s*(180.0/pi); Kphi2s=Kphi2s*(180.0/pi);
    num_nacl = length(Nphi1s); num_kcl = length(Kphi1s);
    num_xtals = length(Nphi1s) + length(Kphi1s);
    fprintf('%i5 NaCl and %i5 KCl measurments.\n', num_nacl, num_kcl);

    % Rotate all elastic constants.

    tic; fprintf('Creating list of rotated NaCl elasticity matrices ...');
    NaCl_Cs = MS_rotEuler(C1, Nphi1s, Nthetas, Nphi2s);
    NaCl_rhos = ones(num_xtals,1)*rho1;
    telap = toc; fprintf(' done (%4.2f secs)\n',telap);

    tic; fprintf('Creating list of rotated NaCl elasticity matrices ...');
    KCl_Cs = MS_rotEuler(C2, Kphi1s, Kthetas, Kphi2s);
    KCl_rhos = ones(num_xtals,1)*rho2;
    telap = toc; fprintf(' done (%4.2f secs)\n',telap);

    % Build the input arguments for MS_VRH and calculate the
    % average.

    tic; fprintf('Calculating VRH average matrix ...');
    Cs = zeros(6,6,num_xtals);
    Cs(:,:,1:num_nacl) = NaCl_Cs(:,:,:);
    Cs(:,:,num_nacl+1:num_xtals) = KCl_Cs(:,:,:);
    vfs = ones(num_xtals,1); % Same volume fraction for each point.
    rhos = [NaCl_rhos KCl_rhos] ;

    [Cav, rhoav] = MS_VRH(vfs, Cs, rhos);
    telap = toc; fprintf(' done (%4.2f secs)\n\n',telap);

Finally, plot the S-wave anisotropy of the rock sample and report some data on elastic constants.

    MS_plot(Cav, rhoav);
    MS_info(Cav, rhoav);